I.                                What is the percent by mass of C  and O in 500 g of CO2?


First get the mass of 1  mol….  12.0 + 2(16.0) = 44.0 g


So % C =  12.0 / 44.0  =   27.3 %

And O  =   32.0/ 44.0  =   72.7 %   or 100 – 27.3


In a  500 g sample, there is 500 x .273  = _______carbon



II.                            If you know the %mass then you can calculate the

Simplest Formula or Empirical Formula


When 100 g of  HxOy à H     +   O

                                                                                    11.1g      88.9g



The ratio of   mass of O / mass of H =  88.9 g/ 11.1g =  8

doesn’t tell us anything about the formula…. only that Oxygen by weight makes up 8 times the mass of Hydrogen.








mol of H  = 11.1g  ( 1mol/1.0g) = 11.1 mol H


mol of O =  88.9g ( 1mol/16.0g)=  5.56 mol H







 The ratio of H/O =  11.1/5.56=  2.00

 does tell us the simplest or empirical formula  must be H2O .


Most ratios come out close to a whole number.(experimental error)


What other ratios will tell you different formula?


1.5  =   3/2                   A3B2


2.5 =  5/2                     A5B2


3.5  =  7/2        A7B2


1.3333  = 4/3

Try this one….



but the real formula (molecular formula) could be









We need to know the molecular weight of the unknown  compound to determine its true MOLECULAR FORMULA:





What if the molecular weight was 54 g/mol.

Which one would it be?










Really it is 18.0 g/mol … so the unknown formula is H2O  !








- Simplest Formula Worksheet

- Heath Text p. 123  Q 17- 27




17.                      CH

18.                      SO3

19.                      P2O5

20.                      W2C

21.                      C6N5O6H6

22.                      CH2O

23.                      C2H5, C4H10

24.                      % Al = 36.08, % S= 63.92

25.                      FeS  Iron (II) sulphide

26.                      Cu2S   Copper (I) sulphide

27.                      NiC2N2 or Ni(CN)2  nickel (II) cyanide