Sc.10 March 20-24

Monday – Cell parts and processes test

Tuesday – Introduction to Asexual reproduction

1.      Binary Fission – cell division into equal parts (amoeba, body cells (growth)…)

2.      Budding – small part grows off of main cell (yeast)

3.      Fragmentation -  part of parent breaks off and can grow new organism (spider plant, hydra,

4.      Vegetative Reproduction – plants that send out root below (rhizome) or stem above (runner) to develop new plant

(raspberries, strawberries, grasses, bamboo…)

5.      Spores – tiny encapsualated nuclei that develop into new organisms (fungi such as mushrooms and mould)

Wednesday – Cellular steps of asexual reproduction = Mitosis

            Cell nucleus contains chromatin becoming chromosomes, sister chromatids with centromere.     

The cell cycle consists of interphase, prophase, metaphase, anaphase, telophase

            In animal cells spindle fibres and centrioles cause nuclear cell division.  In plant cells cell plate develops for during cytokinesis.

Thursday – Sexual reproduction versus Asexual reproduction.

            Asexual: one parent, exact copies made, efficient and fast, usually many more offspring made

            Sexual: two parents, need for special cells (gametes), offspring are different than parents, social complications (eg. Pair bonds, family…)

Friday – Cellular steps of sexual reproduction= Meiosis

            See Text page.

            First difference is in the pairing of chromosomes with similar types of information (homologous chromosomes).

            Two series of mitosis then lead to the production of gametes.

            Parent cells contain the normal number (diploid = 2n) of chromosomes

            Daughter cells contain half the number of (haploid=n) of chromosomes.