Ch.11 Review                          Nov. 8/05


a.  properties repeat every group

b.  group = column

c.  period = row

d.  valence

 + or – number indicating the number of electrons an atom would like to lose or gain to complete outer shell

valence electrons are the outer most electrons involved in chemical reactions

e.  ion = an atom that is charged…

f.  Shielding effect = the inner electrons block the nuclear attraction (pull)… thus an electron feels a decreased attraction


g.  greater proton pull…occurs when the atomic number increases across a period causing the atomic radii to decrease


by the way, why doesn’t the atomic radii decrease as you increase the atomic number down a group?

- shielding affect

- higher energy orbital… further away

- e/e repulsion



h.  Ionization Energy=

the E required to remove an electron

…can you have a second and third I.E. ?


Question-  What element is Chlorine isoelectric (same number of electrons) with after its third I.E.?

Answer  - Silicon







a    1-

b   3-

c    1-

d   1+

e    2-




a.   Fe

b.  Cs

c.   Rb

d.  K

e.   Cl 1-

f.  Ar

g.  H



a.  Alkali metals

b.  Alkaline Earth metals

c.  Halogens

d.   Actinide Series

e.  Lanthanides

f.  Noble gases

g.  Transition metals



5.  Russian… Dmitri Mendeleev



a.  decrease

b. increase

c. decrease

d. decrease

e. decrease

f.  varied…. see chart* lets look at it!