Category 5 – Ionic Compounds involving



What’s a complex ion?

… a group of atoms that together make a single ion.  They have their own names.


NH4+     ammonium

OH1-     hydroxide


see the ion sheet for more….





When you have four oxides note the rule:

ClO 1-  hypochlorite

ClO2 1- chlorite

ClO3 1- chlorate

ClO4 1- perchlorate





SO3 2-  sulphite

SO4 2-­­­  sulphate


PO3­ 3-  phosphite

PO4 3-  phosphate


So when combining complex ions with any other ion, just use the same rules we know and love but make sure you name the complex ion properly and use brackets if more than one complex ion required.


Calcium   and   Hydroxide


Ca 2+              OH 1-


 Use criss cross or integer balancing….


Calcium hydroxide.


Ammonium     and    Oxygen

NH4 1+                                      O 2-

….. use the rules of criss cross or integer bal.


(NH4 1+)2O


Ammonium oxide


* Do practice sheet 4

Correct in class

Do  p. 55  #6,7

Quiz on all ionic compounds last 10 minutes of this class!