The Periodic Table – Organization


Wksh. “Finding Your Way Around the Periodic Table”


1.  in order of increasing mass

      Ar to K because heavy isotopes of Ar

      Co to Ni

      most massive is Mt = Meitnerium


2,3. Metals – most metallic is lower left corner (Fr, Cs)

      Non-metal – most non-metallic is He, Ne

      Semiconductors(metalloids) -  B, Si, Ge, As,Se, Sb,Te, Po


4.  At room temp. 20C, there are 2 liquids (Hg, Br..)



5.  A = period, B= Atomic Number, C= Atomic mass, D= symbol, E= name,

F = Group, G= …  H =  combining capacity


6.   a.  Elements ….are man made

      b.  Atomic no. 104 and up


7.  period = row


8.  electron shells = orbitals (s, p, d, f )


9.  largest are lowest on the P.T  but lowest to the left.

( * interesting that A.N. 90 is larger than A.N. 103, within the same orbital the larger A.N. is smaller in size   why?)


10.  column = group


11.  Alkali Metals, Alkaline Earth, Halogens, Noble Gases, Transition Metals


12.  IUPAC – groups 1 -18   (B.C. gov. exam version)

      (International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry (IUPAC))


      American – Groups I, II, III,  A,B


13. Similar chemical properties

      As you go down a group the elements are more reactive!

      Similar Families have the same electrons in outer shell

      Same shape of orbital

      Different atomic numbers and mass



14.  Elements 104 -109 named in honour of scientists or places


15. Hydrogen in two places

      Not the same number of elements in each period (row). Why?

                        because there are no 1d, 2d orbitals.

      Different number of sig.figs.

      Sometimes place of AM and AN is reversed

      Sometime combining capacity is included.


16.  Wasn’t physical room to make the PT that wide

            The two rows show the  “f” orbitals filled.

      The  Lanthanides(57 – 70) represent a filled 4f orbital (14 e)

      The Actinides (89 – 102)   represent a filled 5f orbital (14e)



17.  The shape(groups and periods), the atomic numbers (order), the symbols,