DENSITY LAB: Practicing your Sig.Figs
Purpose: To calculate the density of several objects using measurement equipment (beam balances, electronic scales, rulers, graduated cylinders) and scientific methods ( direct and indirect methods: displacement, difference).
Show in detail the measurement of mass and volume for the following objects:
1. Water
2. Rock
3. Wood Block
4. Metal Cube
5. Plastic Cube
6. Rubber Stopper
7. Paper (note the number of pieces of paper has infinite sigfigs)
8. Orange (vol sphere = 4/3 ∏ r3)
mass of grad cyl + water 132.675 g
mass of grad cyl 57.260 g
mass of the water 75.415 g *
Volume of H2O………..(use a small grad cyl) ____mL
density = mass/vol *respect/note sig figs!
= 75.415/?