The mol
What is it?
a word to indicate a number (6.02 x1023)
Why is it necessary?
chemicals don’t react by mass(grams)… they react with particles
(H20 is not 2 grams of H to 1 gram of O!)
… the mol will relate to the particles in equations.
How can we convert to it?
1. mol mass practice sheets d9,d10
…. the number of g/mol
see your P.T. and add up the individual atomic masses for 1 mol
eg. water = 1 +1 + 16 = 18 g/mol ?
carbon dioxide = 12 + 16 + 16 = 44 g/mol
2A. gram à mol practice sheets d13
2B. molà gram d15, d17,d18
Heath p.109 Q.6-14
3A. mol à particles (atoms or molecules) Heath p. 104 Q.4-9
3B. particles à mol p. 109 Q.4,5,15
4A. gramàmolàparticles
4B. particlesà molà gram Heath p.109 Q. 16