Scientific Method
Purpose the reason were doing the experiment
Hypothesis a guess or prediction about what might happen
Experiment procedure
sketch, equipment
data, observations,
Conclusion Answer the purpose.
Metric System conversions
- equipment
- reading a scale
Scientific Notation
Significant Figures/Uncertainty
calculations done to the correct sig.figs
Chapter 3 Worksheet
1. 5.893 x 10-7 m
2.99793 x 10 8 m/s
7.1 x 108 years
1.660531 x 10-24 g
6.023 x 10 23
3.41 x 10 30 ˚C
2. 0.000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 9109 kg
15 000 000 ˚C
-273 ˚C
1 900 000 000 000 000 000 km
0.000 000 000 053 m
0 000 000 000 000 000 000 16 couloumb
3. 2.37 x 103 or 2.370 x 103
3 x 10 -2
2.74 x 10 -13
9.85 x 10 20
1.5045 x 10 1
6.003 x 10 3
4.5 x 10 -5
7.07 x 10 -9
4. 0.005 63
670 000
0.000 000 09899
2 000 000
34 440 000 000
0.000 200 02
5 10 9 10 -6
10 3 10 9
10 4 10 7
6 1.4 x 10 12
6.5 x 10 1
2.2 x 10 -13
2.56 x 10 2
4.0 x 10 13
3.3 x 10
3.0 x 10 -6
2 x 10 -5
3.3 x 10 3
1.1 x 10 6
7.7 x 10 5
3.6 x 10 -3
4.15 x 10 3
9.0 x 10 -5
-6 x 10 3
5.8 x 10 8
1.8 x 10 -3
3.4 x 10 4
9.5 x 10 3
- 2.9 x 10 5
B. Ruler A . 3.7 or 3.8 cm
Ruler B. 3.75 3.78 cm